We celebrated a birthday this month, and there is a little tradition at your school to bring cupcakes or a cake to school on your birthday. We are not a traditional family, so we made cookies. Yes, we always do things outside the box. You love cupcakes, but are not a fan of the icing. You like one of the icing but not the other, and you couldn’t describe to me which one you liked. Rather than set up an icing taste testing to make sure I get the right icing, I went left of field. Cookies! Motherhood has taught me this, that sometimes we need to go around the problem. I don’t always get it right but in this case I thought I would be ok.

I baked the cookies while you were at school, and you iced and decorated the cookies. It took us a little longer than we expected. We ran out of sprinkles, and we needed to run to the supermarket. When we got back, I needed to make another batch of icing. By this time, the light had faded and our dining table doesn’t get much natural light. I don’t like using a flash, and I didn’t want to turn on the lights, so we lit the candles. And that is how we have images of you decorating cookies by candlelight. A problem solved by going around it.


Now follow the link to Holly of Holly Donovan Photo. Holly joins us for the first time, and I cant wait to see what captures her heart this month.

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August 25, 2014
Love these Cindy! We have 2 August birthdays in our house :)
August 26, 2014
Cindy these are magical! You are so inspiring to me as a mom too! I see your photos and think, "yes. This is why I want a big family"
August 26, 2014
Cookies are good and I love that your girls got in there and helped you to finish them. Good solution. I love the second photo down.
Colleen P
August 26, 2014
Oh I just love these, Cindy! What a wonderful memory, and I love how you displayed them in the collage :)
August 26, 2014
Oh Cindy, I love your story board. You are so awesome at putting these together. Looks like such a fun time of making cookies. The processing and the soft candle light is just beautiful!
August 26, 2014
Gorgeous set of images Cindy - we have 3 August birthdays in our house, always a busy month here too! I love the one of the two of them glancing at each other as they test their goodies! Also adore the close up image of your daughter's hair - inspired me to try this on one of mine! Just lovely!
August 27, 2014
these are fantastic!! LOVE the collage again! what a cool way to do it! My favorite is of her hair, down her back I think... just love it.
September 1, 2014
Oh my gosh Cindy! You have fast become one of my favourite photographers, your shots are just so perfect! So heartfelt and meaningful. You can see how much love there is in your home. <3
September 6, 2014
Oh Cindy I can just tell that you're a wonderful mother and of course a wonderful photographer. Great images!!

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