Dani and I discussed a portrait session for her little two year old back in December. Her daughter loves water, and we thought an outdoor session in a tub would be great. However,  life interrupted our plan.  First I travelled, and then she travelled followed by the Brazilian Carnival holiday. Twice we scheduled sessions, and it poured rain. It felt like this session would never happen. Dani sent me an email, and said she had another idea. Her daughter loves the book by Eric Carle, “The very hungry caterpillar” and asked if we could do a session around this book. “YES! YES! YES!” It is one of my  all time favourite children’s books, and I jumped at the chance.

Dani sent out a request to her friends for props, purchased fruit from the organic  markets, and we meet on a sunny morning. It all happened in less than a week. It was meant to be!

I am happy to share these images with you. Enjoy!web_00 web_01 web_05 web_06 web_07 web_08 web_10 web_11 web_12 web_14 web_21 web_24 web_28 web_30







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Carolyn Clarke.
April 29, 2013
Very cute love the colors & beautiful smile

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